Line Blade Optic 104 + AT Binding Packs

Line Blade Optic 104 + AT Binding Packs


708,17 € ex VAT
Was 1 066,55 €
1 x Line Blade Optic 104 Ski 2024
Price when not bought as a package:
624,92 €
1 x Line Blade Optic 104 Ski 2024 Bindings
Please Select Binding:
We mount bindings free of charge when you buy skis and bindings. Please check the box if you would like bindings mounted and fill in the required information for your ski boots, along with any other relevant information:

Please provide us with ALL of the following information:

  • Ski boot make and model
  • Ski boot mondopoint size
  • Ski boot sole length in mm
  • Your regular UK or European shoe size
  • If buying multiple skis/bindings, please confirm which binding you'd like attached to which ski
Price when not bought as a package:
441,63 €

Line Blade Optic 104 Ski 2024

Updated with new graphics for 2024, Line's Blade Optic series replaced their famous Sickday freeride skis but have a very different character and a much higher level of performance.
Line have designed these skis combining new concepts and technologies they had initially developed for the revolutionary Blade and Vision series skis.
The Blade Optics share the chevron-shaped full width Gas-Pedal Metal laminate with the Blade, and extends this with a continuous central tapered spine that extends to the tip and tail.
This gives the Blade Optics the awesome edge grip of the Blade with a longer radius and more solid flexing core that excels at high speed fall line skiing.
This design gives these skis amazing stabiity at speed and the power to handle slush, crude and chopped-up conditions with ease.

There are four models in the Blade Optic series with waists 92, 96, 104 and 114 mm. We stock the three wider models, but not the Blade Optic 92, which does not have the metal laminate and is more of an entry level model.
The Blade Optic 96,104 & 114 mm have the Gas-Pedal Metal laminate and are the skis to consider, taking into account your skiing style and the terrain and snow conditions.
With the wider Blade Optic 104 and 114 models, Line have produced worthy succesors to the legendary Line Mothership, the freeride ski that blew our minds over 10 years ago.

A hard charging Big Mountain ski for strong advanced and expert freerise skiers, the Blade Optic 104 has a 132-104-123 mm sidecut giving plenty of float in deep snow conditions.
Built with a stiffer flex than the wider Blade Optic 114, the 104 is the most versatile model, being equally at home charging early morning steep and deep powder lines or cruising the corderoy with the family. 
If you want to combine mach speed descents and big cliff jumps with freestyle creativity in all snow conditions, this is the ski you need.

Line Blade Optic 104 Ski Features:

Construction: Full Sidewall Construction for maximum power transfer and grip.
Core: Aspen Veneer Core. Lightweight core with a snappy flex.
Laminates: Gas-Pedal Metal sheet with full width central section and central spine tapering to the tip and tail. This design provides excellent edge grip with stabilty in chopped up snow conditions however hard you ski.
5-Cut Sidecut Geometry: Five different sidecut radiuses allow a wide variety of turn shapes for more creative skiing.
Rocker: Progressive long but low tip rocker, low camber and with semi-upswpet tail
Rocker Profile: 11-3-10
Fatty Base: Thick 1.7 mm base, 30% thicker than standard bases for increased durability and wax absorption.
Fatty Edge: 2.4mm x 2.2 mm thick edges for increased durability and tuning.
Stance: -6.0 cm

Model: Line Blade Optic 104 Ski 2024

Lengths: 171-178-185-190 cm
Sidecut / Radius:
185 cm: 132-104-123 mm / 19 m
Weight / pair:
185 cm: 3.78 kg

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