Stockli Stormrider 102 Ski 2025

Stockli Stormrider 102 Ski 2025

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915,83 €
Length: 191 cm

Stockli Stormrider 102 Ski 2025

Stockli do not authorise automated online sales of Stockli skis. To purchase Stockli skis please contact us by mail or by phone - call us on 00 33 561 64 34 93 to place your order.

With the 102 Stockli wanted to create a ski that was powerful yet smooth, with good maneuverability, and they have certainly succeeded. The Stormrider 102 is a great ski. 
Many skiers would now consider the Stormrider 102 to be a "mid fat" or "all mountain ski" and it really does work very well in all snow conditions.
On hardpack it carves a turn nicely, with plenty of grip and edge hold, without the aggresivity of say the Nordica Enforcer series. In variable and chopped up conditions the Stormrider 102 seems to glide through (over?) the crud, absorbing inconsistencies en route and giving a very smooth ride.
Thanks to the longer rockers the Stormrider 102 is more agile and easier to turn than it's predecessor, while still requiring a good level of technique to make the most of them. The tail is relatively stiff and flat compared to more "surfy" powder skis and will please skiers used to skiing flat tailed skis.
Built to the usual Stockli standards, the Stormrider 102 is a very impressive skis and will please skiers wanting a mid-fat ski that carves superbly in all snow conditions.

Features: Stormrider 102 - Stockli

Core: Light wood core
Rocker Camber Rocker profile
Titanal Laminates
Freeride Tip and Tail
Full Sidewall construction
Solid Metal Edge
Ability Level: Advanced to expert skiers

Want to know more about ski shape and flex? See our BLOG Ski Geometry - Shape & Flex.

Model: Stockli Stormrider 102 Ski 2025

Lengths: 173-182-191 cm
Sidecut / Radius:
173 cm: 135-102-125 mm / 17.4 m
182 cm: 135-102-125 mm / 19.8 m
191 cm: 135-102-125 mm / 22.3 m
Weight / pair:
173 cm: 3.68 kg
182 cm: 3.98 kg
191 cm: 4.20 kg

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