Voile SuperCharger BC Ski 2024

The Supercharger BC is Voile's widest skl with their "waxless" traction patterned base. Combine the base with the SuperCharger's long running length, moderate flex, and generous camber, the effect is a particularly adept skin-free touring vehicle that will leave Northeastern skiers especially pleased, as well as those who enjoy skiing some of the “flatter” forests in the Rocky Mountains. In short, expect to see them anywhere that nordic bindings still have a foothold.

You can anticipate the same big-mountain capability and traditional turn character of the SuperCharger. Light, capable, floaty... Easy turn initiation. Stability at speed. Incredible edge holding... The SuperCharger BC is all that, and more.

Voile SuperCharger BC Ski Features:

Anti-Ice Topsheet
Reinforced Mounting Patch
Triaxial Fiberglass
Laminated Poplar Wood Core
Voile Carbon-Weave
Rubber Foil
Full-Perimeter Steel Edge
Traction Pattern Base

Model: Voile SuperCharger BC Ski 2024

Length: 164-171-178-185 cm
Sidecut / Radius:
171 cm: 137-104-121 mm / 18.5 m
178 cm: 140-106-124 mm /19.5 m
185 cm: 143-108-126 mm / 20 m
Weight / pair:
171 cm: 3.09 kg
178 cm: 3.26 kg
185 cm: 3.51 kg  


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