Black Crows Camox Freebird Ski 2025

Black Crows are wise to leave a winning design alone, and the popular Camox Freebird stays unchanged for 2024 apart from having a new topsheet.
The Camox Freebird is one of the best mid-fat touring skis available, with a lightweight Paulownia wood core and a shortened ABS section.
With a snappy flex and efficient grip on hard snow, the Camox Freebird performs in all backcountry conditions yet weighs in at only 2.75 kg a pair (178 cm).
Weight, or rather the lack of it, is everything for a touring ski and the 2024 Camox Freebird climbs as efficiently as it skis.
A real performance all terrain touring ski.
The Camox Freebird was one of our best selling skis last winter and is sure to be in demand again this winter.
You know this is a good ski by the fact that Black Crows produce the Camox Freebird in SIX lengths, which is probably a record for a touring ski. Enjoy !!

Black Crows Camox Freebird Ski Features:

Medium 95mm waist.
Progressive front rocker and slight rear rocker for pivot control, manoeuvrability, planing.
Slightly raised tail: Soft ending to curves, practical for touring (for fitting skins or sticking skis upright in the snow... not an unimportant point).
Medium classic camber: classic camber underfoot with intermediate ski-snow contact, balances manoeuvrability with stability..
Intermediate flex: a tolerant and comfortable ski.
Semi cap construction, full Paulownia core with mixed. glass/carbon fibre and titanal reinforcements under the bindings.
Tip Flex: 70/100
Waist Flex: 81/100
Tail Flex: 78/100
Overall Flex: 76/100, medium flex

Want to know more about ski shape and flex? See our BLOG Ski Geometry - Shape & Flex.

Model: Black Crows Camox Freebird Ski 2025

Length: 160-166-172-178-183-188 cm
Sidecuts - Radius: 
160 cm: 129-96-122 mm /17 m
166 cm: 132-96-125 mm / 17 m
172 cm: 133-96-128 mm / 17 m
178 cm: 133-96-130 mm / 17 m
183 cm: 135-96-128 mm / 17 m
188 cm: 136-96-130 mm / 17 m
Weight: 2.75 kg / pair 178 cm

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